The lighter side of life...
About Me:
Bloke who teaches sociology and does research, cooks, drinks wine, goes sailing and climbs in the alps a bit. Activities: Sociology; Mountaineering; Sailing; Wine; Cooking; Football; Running; Olympic Weight Lifting; Classic sports cars. Favorite Music: Blues; R & B Northern Soul etc. Favoutire Radio Station: Scooter Forums Radio Favorite Movies: The Great Escape Big Wednesday Bull Durham Set in Stone Blue Juice Favorite Books: Starlight and Storm, Gaston Rebuffat Wind, Sand and Stars, Antoine de Saint-Exupery Three men in a boat, Jerome K. Jermome |
Some favourite quotes....
I’ll tell you mate, bolt climbing is all about losing weight and working out. A hard bolt route is nice but not nearly as memorable as a hard ice or alpine climb” Stevie Haston
Tempus et maris aestus neminem expectant Time and tide wait for no man
The earliest known record is from St. Marher, 1225
Il vaut mieux un piton de plus qu'un homme en moins! Surtout si cet homme c'est moi! Better one piton too many, than one man less! Especially when that man is me!
Georges Livanos